giovedì 11 agosto 2011

Stay animals everyone (:

Hey guys,in my country today is hot but it feels so good! I just love the holiday but i miss so much my normal life...I finished school in June and already miss it LOL i know i'm crazy!

Over it,i'm here for another reason...
Today i want talk about one of my important things of life...ANIMALS!
i think that sometimes the animals are so much better then the every people in this world...
One dog,or one any other animal are always by your side and never forget you in the difficult moment of the quotidian life...
I had a little hamster but he died recently for old age,and i had a baby rabbit (: 
actually i've in my house a beautiful dog that i love really really muucch!!!

i want remember my sweet old animals that leave me...miss you ;(

this was my little Rabbit <3

 and this was my hamster <3

So soon i'll post the photos of my sweet dog (:
See you guys...with love!

Antonella (:

1 commento:

  1. mi disp ke si siano cancellati i commenti, ma kein problem, ricommento! <3
    dolciniiiiiiiiiiii mi disp tnt per il cricetino e pure x il coniglietto ke nn avevo mai visto :(
    aspetto foto di choppy *w* quel cagnolino è un amore <3
    liebe dich amo <3
